How To Explain A Unique Wedding Arrangement To Your Guests

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While tradition and convention will always have a place, more and more people are looking to unique ceremonies and celebrations for their wedding day. Of course, you’re free to choose the exact experience you desire for the most part. That might mean simply meeting your partner in the registry office and spending all your money saved for the wedding event on a blow-out vacation you enjoy for a month.

Or, perhaps you’ll follow wonderful guides that have been pre-suggested for you, such as planning a wedding on the coast, going back to the church or religious building of your childhood and bringing your family along, or heading abroad.

One thing is for sure – most people expect tradition as a standard. That’s not to say most people are old-fashioned, it’s just what we think of when we think of weddings. So, if you hope to subvert that and try something brand new, it can be important to explain why, including where the differences lay. Note you don’t have to justify yourself to your guests, but explain if there are any additional efforts or plans they need to make going forward.

In this guide, we’ll help you achieve that:

Explain The Format & Function

It’s exciting to plan a wedding outside of the norm, and many might share that, but you’ll probably need to do a bit of explaining to your guests before they understand it. Don’t worry, most people are pretty open-minded and understand not every couple desires convention. Just be upfront about how your wedding is going to be a little different and be particular as to how. Maybe you’re having a small, intimate ceremony in the garden of a friend instead of a big bash at a hired venue. Or perhaps you’re skipping the whole white dress and wearing formal clothes that appeal to you. Maybe you’re going to bungee jump after your vows. Whatever it is, give people a heads-up, especially your older relatives, so they know what to expect. You could even get creative and make a cute info card to include with the invites.

Explain The Expense & Provide Off-Ramps

Weddings can be expensive no matter which route you go. But if you’re doing something a touch unconventional, the costs might be even harder for your guests to wrap their heads around. A beautiful beachfront wedding in another country requires the cost of hotels and flights, after all. That’s why it’s important to be highly communicative about the expenses involved. Don’t be afraid to break down the numbers and explain why you’ve decided to spend the money the way you have and what it might take to attend. 

Just remember, not everyone is going to be able to or want to shell out so much cash to attend your wedding, even if they love you. So, make sure you give people some options, like just coming for the ceremony, or coming to an alternative event before you head off. That way, they can celebrate with you in a way that works for their budget without feeling as though they’ve been punished for a tight budget.

Discuss The Benefits

It’s nice to share why you’ve gone this route, just don’t feel you have to justify it. Maybe you’re having it someplace that’s super meaningful to you as a couple, or perhaps you’re adopting cultural traditions that are important to your family. A mixed-race wedding might include different religious ceremonies.  Whatever the reason, get your guests excited about it. Help them understand why. If they do, they’ll support you.

With this advice, you’ll be sure to explain a unique wedding arrangement to your guests, all for the better.

Love Lilla xx

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